Category Terms/
Conditions Enter
Information Registration
To verify the participant's identity, please register after signing up as a member of Chosun Media.
Online attendees will be able to watch live ALC videos using their currently logged-in Chosun Media account on the day of the event.
The 2025 Asian Leadership Conference will be held in a hybrid format, offering both online and in-person attendance options. To verify the participant's identity, please register after signing up as a member of Chosun Media. Online attendees will be able to watch live ALC videos using their currently logged-in Chosun Media account on the day of the event.
[Chapter 1 General Rules]
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of these terms of use (hereinafter the “Terms”) is to define the rights, duties and responsibilities, and other necessary matters between the Chosun Ilbo (hereinafter the “Company”) and the User concerning the use of services (hereinafter “Services”) that are provided by the Asian Leadership Conference (hereinafter the “ALC”), which is hosted by the Company.
Article 2 (Representation, effect, and amendment)
① The Terms shall be posted on the Services page so that the User has easy access to the content.
② The Company may amend the Terms if deemed necessary, in which case the amended Terms, alongside their effective date and the reasons for their amendment, shall be publicized in the way specified in Paragraph 1 at least 30 days before the effective date. Should the Terms be amended in a way that is less favorable to the User, this shall be notified to the User through the consent screen on login or via email, SMS, etc. If the User cannot be contacted because the User has left their contact information blank or has not updated it after it has changed, the publicizing of this Paragraph shall be deemed notification to the User.
③ In publicizing, or notifying the User of, the amended Terms in accordance with Paragraph 2, the Company shall state that the User shall be deemed to have agreed to them if the User does not express their intent to not agree to them by the effective date. If the User does not explicitly state such intention after such publicizing or notification by the Company, the User shall be considered to have agreed to the amended Terms. If the User does not agree to such amendments, the User can stop using the Services and terminate the Terms.
Article 3 (Rules not specified in the Terms)
① Any matters not stipulated in the Terms shall be governed by the Framework Act on Broadcasting Communications Development, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc., other relevant laws, or general business practices.
② The Terms shall apply alongside the policies regarding individual Services provided by the Company.
[Chapter 2 Service Agreement]
Article 4 (Entry into the Terms)
① The applicant is deemed to have agreed to the Terms if they click on “Yes” to the question “Do you agree to the Terms of Use?”
② The Terms shall be entered into when the applicant agrees to the Terms and applies for membership and the Company accepts the application. The Company may require the applicant to submit relevant documents if deemed necessary.
③ During the application process specified in Paragraph 2, the Company may require the verification of the applicant’s real name and identity.
④ The Company can classify members by grade according to the Company’s policy and subdivide the usage time, number of uses, and service menu to make a difference in usage.
⑤ The Company may require the User to provide additional information for separate sign-ups following the Company’s policy and service menu. In this case, consent to the additional terms and conditions must be obtained.
⑥ The Company may impose use or class restrictions on the User to comply with the ratings and age following the Promotion Of The Motion Pictures And Video Products Act and Youth Protection Act.
Article 5 (Acceptance, withholding, and refusal of application)
① In principle, the Company shall accept the applicant’s application to use the Services.
② If either of the following issues arises, the Company can withhold acceptance of the application until the issue has been resolved:
- a. Technical issues
- b. Failure to meet the conditions of membership
- c. Other as deemed financially and technically necessary by the Company
- d. Failure to identify the User
- e. Failure to meet the conditions of membership (b항과 중복)
③ The Company may refuse the application if the applicant:
- a. Uses someone else’s name or an alias
- b. Provides false information during the application process
- c. Applies for the purpose of undermining the order of society or good public morals
- d. Chooses an ID which suggests obscenity and lasciviousness
- e. Chooses an ID which is antisocial and in violation of relevant laws
- f. Chooses an ID which is deemed vulgar or offensive
- g. Is under the age of 14 and has not obtained consent from a legally acceptable representative such as their parent
- h. Fails to meet other conditions of application which are stipulated by the Company
Article 6 (Modification of user information)
① The User can access the personal information screen at any time to view or modify their personal information.
② If there is a change in personal information that was submitted at the time of application, the User shall make the modification online or notify the Company by email or other means.
③ The Company shall not be responsible for any disadvantages which are caused by the User’s failure to notify the Company of any changes in accordance with Paragraph 2.
Article 7 (Duty to protect personal information)
The Company shall strive to protect the User’s personal information under relevant laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc. Concerning the protection and use of personal information, relevant laws and the Company’s privacy policy shall apply. The Company’s privacy policy shall not apply to sites other than the Company’s official websites.
Article 8 (Duty of the User to manage their ID and password)
① The User has the sole responsibility to protect their ID and password, and the User is fully responsible for any disadvantages which are caused by their misuse or mismanagement of their ID and password.
② If the User learns that their ID and password have been stolen or used by a third party, they shall notify the Company immediately and follow its directions.
Article 9 (Notification to the User)
① Unless otherwise indicated in the Terms, the Company can make notifications to the User via email and other means.
② In cases of notifying all Users, the Company can replace such notifications as stipulated in Paragraph 1 with a post on its bulletin board for seven or more days.
[Chapter 3 Responsibilities of the Parties]
Article 10 (Responsibilities of the Company)
① The Company shall have a security system in place to protect personal information so that the User has secure access to the Services. It shall also duly implement measures such as maintenance and recovery.
② The Company shall not reveal or distribute the User’s personal information obtained in connection with the offering of the Services to a third party without the User’s consent, and it shall strive to protect such information. Other matters concerning the protection of the User’s personal information shall be governed by the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc. and the Company’s privacy policy.
③ The Company shall not send to the User promotional emails, SMS messages, etc. for commercial purposes without the User’s consent.
④ If the Company offers a Service to the User that is outsourced to a third party, etc., it shall specify which items of the User’s personal information are provided to the third party for the provision of the Service, obtain additional and transparent consent from the User, and share the User’s personal information with the third party only during the outsourcing period within the bounds of the User’s consent in accordance with relevant laws.
⑤ In principle, the Company shall immediately address complaints which it deems reasonable. If the immediate resolution of such complaints is difficult, the Company shall notify the User of the reasons and a timeline for resolution.
Article 11 (Responsibilities of the User)
① The User shall comply with relevant laws, the provisions of the Terms, and the Company’s notices or publicized messages such as directions and instructions for use, and shall not engage in acts that hinder the Company’s business.
② The User shall not engage in commercial activities using the Services without the Company’s prior consent.
③ The User shall not copy, duplicate, modify, translate, publish, broadcast, use in other ways, or provide to a third party information obtained through the use of the Services without the Company’s prior consent.
④ If the User wishes to use images such as photographs, the User shall have the responsibility to obtain permission to use such images in order to not violate the portrait rights, trademarks, patents, or other rights of the subjects portrayed in such images. The User shall bear full responsibility for any disputes concerning such rights.
⑤ When using the Services, the User shall not:
- a. Collect, store, or misuse the ID and personal information of other Users
- b. Duplicate information obtained from the Services for purposes other than their own use; modify, publish, or broadcast such information; or provide such information to a third party without the Company’s prior consent
- c. Infringe upon the copyright or other rights of the Company or a third party
- d. Distribute to others information, sentences, figures, etc. whose content undermines the order of society and good public morals
- e. Engage in acts that are objectively deemed to be connected to a crime
- f. Defame or insult others
- g. Engage in hacking attacks or distribute computer viruses
- i. Send advertisements or promotional information or engage in acts for commercial purposes
- j. Engage in acts that hinder, or are likely to hinder, a reliable provision of the Services
- k. Engage in acts which are in violation of other relevant laws
⑥ The User shall comply with relevant laws, the provisions of the Terms, and directions and instructions of use.
[Chapter 4 Provision and Use of the Services]
Article 12 (Range of the Services)
① The Terms shall basically apply to all Services which are developed by the Company or which are provided through outsourcing to a third party, etc. Supplementary terms of use can be introduced for Services that require additional provisions.
Article 13 (Provision of information)
The Company can provide the User with a range of information which is deemed necessary for the use of the Services via such methods as email, postal mail, SMS (MMS), etc. If the User does not want to receive the email, the User can refuse to receive information from the Sign Up menu and Edit Information menu.
Article 14 (Rights and responsibilities concerning postings)
① The Company shall retain the copyright to all postings that are posted under its name.
② The Company shall be responsible for protecting its postings, and other parties shall be prohibited from using or quoting such postings on other sites without the Company’s permission.
③ The copyright of the work posted by the User belongs to the User. However, the User is deemed to have granted the Company the right to use it for free.
④ The posts posted by the Users on the Services may be exposed in search results or related promotions of the Services and other related services and may be partially modified, reproduced, edited, and posted to the extent necessary for such exposure. In this case, the Company will comply with the provisions of the Copyright Act, and the User may take measures such as deletion, exclusion from search results, and non-disclosure of posts at any time.
Article 15 (Use of the Services)
① The Services shall be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless the Company has operational, technical, or other special issues.
② If the Company deems it necessary to perform maintenance work, etc., or a disruption arises in the provision of the Services due to uncontrollable issues such as a system failure or a sudden increase in traffic, the Company can limit access to part or all of the Services, in which case the Company shall publicize this decision to Users immediately or in advance. If such advance publicizing is impossible for unavoidable reasons, the Company can publicize the decision at a later time.
③ The Company can alter the time of availability for certain Services, in which case the Company shall publicize or notify Users of the hours during which such Services are available in advance.
Article 16 (Termination of the Terms)
① The User can terminate the Terms through the ALC at any time, in which case the Company shall implement the termination immediately in accordance with relevant laws, etc.
② If the User terminates the Terms, all User data shall be deleted immediately, except when the Company retains such data in accordance with relevant laws and its privacy policy.
Article 17 (Restrictions on the use of Services)
① If the User violates their responsibilities under the Terms or hinders the normal operation of the Services, the Company can restrict the availability of Services to the User in a phased manner by imposing a warning, a temporary suspension, a permanent suspension, or termination of the User’s membership.
② The Company can terminate the Terms or suspend the availability of Services to the User for a certain period without prior notice if the User:
- a. Steals the ID and password of another User
- b. Deliberately hinders the operation of the Services
- c. Deliberately distributes content that undermines the order of society and good public morals
- d. Uses or plans to use the Services for the purpose of undermining national interests or the public good
- e. Defames or causes losses to others
- f. Transmits promotional information or a large volume of data to hinder the reliable operation of the Services
- g. Distributes computer viruses, etc., that cause the failure of IT equipment or the destruction of information
- h. Infringes upon the intellectual property rights of the Company, other Users, or other third parties
- i. Engages in an act that prompts outside organizations such as the Korea Communications Standards Commission to request corrective measures, or engages in an illegal election campaign which results in the authoritative interpretation of the National Election Commission
- j. Misuses the personal information, ID, or password of other Users
- k. Duplicates, distributes, or uses for commercial purposes information obtained from using the Company’s Services without the prior consent of the Company
- l. Posts obscene content or a link to an obscene site on their website or bulletin board
- m. Violates relevant laws and conditions of use as stipulated by the Company, including the Terms
Article 18 (Artificial Intelligence Learning and Massive Crawling)
1. The Company does not permit the use of automated tools such as robots, macros, spiders, scrapers, or other tools that are not pre-agreed or contracted with in advance for the content and services provided through the and all content of the Chosun Ilbo distributed on external platforms.
2. The Company does not permit using the content and services provided through for Artificial Intelligence(AI) learning, training, or software program development.
3. The User must agree with the Company in advance when using the Company's contents and services provided through In particular, the User must sign a legal contract with the Company when using the Company's contents and services for commercial purposes. The User must also obtain the Company's consent in advance when using the Company's contents and services for public interest and non-profit purposes.
4. If the Company determines the AI learning data collecting, crawling, etc., without an agreement constitutes an infringement of data ownership and copyright of content and services, the Company may take action against the offending party, including criminal prosecution and a claim for damages.
[Chapter 5 Other matters]
Article 19 (Disclaimer)
① If the Company is unable to provide the Services due to a natural disaster or other instance of force majeure, it shall not be liable for the disruption to the provision of the Services.
② The Company shall not be liable for disruption to the availability of the Services which is attributable to the User.
③ The Company shall not be liable for transactions, etc., performed between Users, or between the User and a third party, wherein the Services are used as a channel for such transactions, etc.
④ The Company shall not be liable for losses which are caused to the User or a third party due to the User’s violation of their responsibilities under the Terms.
Article 20 (Dispute resolution and jurisdiction)
① The Company and the User shall make every effort to resolve in good faith any disputes that arise in connection with the Services.
② Notwithstanding Paragraph 1, if a lawsuit is filed due to such a dispute, the court that covers the address of the Company shall be the governing court.
③ Lawsuits filed in connection with electronic transactions between the Company and the User shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.
Acceptance of Collecting and Using Personal Information
Collecting Personal Information Items and Methods for Collection
① Collecting Personal Information Items
a. The following information is collected by The Chosun Ilbo for registration in the ALC and to provide various services.
<Local Registration>
1) Required for Online Participants: Email address, Name(Korean,English), Contact number, Gender, Nationality, Affiliation(Korean,English), Position(Korean,English)
2) Required for Offline Participants: Email address, Name(Korean,English), Contact number, Gender, Nationality, Affiliation(Korean,English), Position(Korean,English), Resident registration number(Opening Ceremony participants only), Participating sessions, Luncheon/Dinner Attendance
3) If additional information collecting is needed during the use of the Service, the Company will ask the User for separate consent at that point.
<Foreigner Registration>
1) Required for Online Participants: Email address, Name(English), Contact number, Gender, Nationality, Affiliation(English), Position(English)
2) Required for Offline Participants: Email address, Name(English), Contact number, Gender, Nationality, Affiliation(English), Position(English), Alien registration number(Opening Ceremony participants only), Participating sessions, Luncheon/Dinner Attendance
3) If additional information collecting is needed during the use of the Services, the Company will ask the User for separate consent at that point.
b. Purposes of Collection and Use of Personal Information
1) The information will be used for registration and confirmation (verification) purposes.
2) The information will be used for managing membership and collecting statistics on access frequency and service usage.
3) Used for communication and information delivery with attendees: name, affiliation, position, telephone number, mobile phone number, email address
4) Used for attendee registration: name, affiliation, position, mobile phone number, email address
5)Used for Opening Ceremony attendee registration: resident registration number (alien registration number), passport number (May be used for identity verification and criminal background checks under Article 4 and Article 32, Paragraph 2 of the Presidential Security Act)
c. The following information may be automatically generated and collected during the Services usage or business process.
1) IP Address, Cookies, Date and Time of Visit, Service Usage History, Access Logs, etc.
d. The following payment information may be collected during the charged service usage.
1) Credit card payments: Name of card company, Card number, etc.
2) Bank transfers: Name of bank, Account number, etc.
e. Method of Collecting Personal Information
The Company collects personal information via the following methods.
1) Homepage, Phone calls, Emails
2) Collecting via Generate Information Collection Tools
f. Retention and Use Period of Personal Information
The collected personal information will be immediately destroyed once the purpose of collection and usage is achieved. However, the following information is retained for a specified period for the following reasons.
1) The Company may retain the personal information until the statutory retention period, 12 months after the end of the event, even if you withdraw from membership or the Services.
2) If the information should be retained under relevant law until the statutory retention period.
g. The User may refuse to consent to the above, but note that registration for the event may not be possible without the User’s consent.
② Retention Period and Termination of Personal Information
The Company will immediately destroy the personal information of the User when the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, such as withdrawal from membership, the end of service, or the arrival of the personal information retention period agreed to by the User. The termination procedures and methods are as follows.
1) Termination Process
- After achieving the purpose, the personal information will be stored in a separate DB for a certain period allowed according to the information protection reasons under the internal policy and related laws (see Personal Information Retention Period), and then destroyed.
- The personal information in a separate DB may not be used for any other purpose unless required by law.
2) Termination Methods
- Personal information stored in electronic forms will be destroyed by using a technical method that bans the recreation of the record.
- The personal information in a separate DB may not be used for any other purpose unless required by law.
3) The personal information that must be stored for a certain period following the law and its applicable laws are shown in the table below.
Stored Information |
Applicable Law |
Retention Period |
Records of Contracts or Withdrawals |
Act On The Consumer Protection In Electronic Commerce |
5 years |
Records of Payments and Supplies of Goods |
5 years |
Records of Consumer Complaint or Dispute Settlements |
3 years |
Records of Labeling and Advertising |
6 months |
Accounts and Documentations for All Transactions Defined by Tax Act |
Framework Act On National Taxes |
5 years |
Records of Electronic Financial Transactions |
Electronic Financial Transactions Act |
5 years |
Service Visit History (Member Registered Number) |
Protection Of Communications Secrets Act |
3 months |
③ Consignment of Personal Information Processing
The Company entrusts some of the tasks required to provide services to external companies, stipulates the necessary matters, and manages/supervises to ensure that the entrusted companies safely process personal information under the Personal Information Protection Act.
1) Consignment of personal information processing for online service fulfillment
Consignee |
Consigned Tasks |
Chosunbiz | Service Operations, Developments, and Testing |
Amazon Web Services |
Data Storing |
Electronic Payment Gateway |
Global Fairs & Conference Co., Ltd. |
Event Agency |
[Addendum] This Privacy Policy is effective as of April 1 st , 2024.
Terms and Conditions of Payment
① Refund period and method
Refund fees may be charged depending on payment method, time of application for refund, and reason for refund.
- Ticket purchase period
April 17th, 2024 ~ May 23th, 2024
- Refund method
Ask the ALC Secretariat (+82-2-724-6201-2,6224~6227)
② Refund process
- Credit card
- Process is completed and the payment approval is canceled through the credit card company, the refund (restored limit) will be completed.
- If the payment is canceled after the payment date, it may take 3-7 days to confirm the cancellation of the payment approval through the credit card company, which may vary from one credit card company to another.
- Refunds will be deposited to the account received within 5 to 7 days after receipt of the refund account, deducting the cancellation/refund fee.
③ Refund Fee
Time of Cancellation |
Charge |
Date of payment date |
No charge(No refund to payments made after April 17th, 2024) |
Until April 30, 2024 |
10% charge |
After May 1, 2024 |
Non-refundable |
Acceptance of receiving marketing information (optional)
① Purposes of Collection and Use of Personal Information
1) The Company provides information about various Chosun Media events.
2) The User can receive various information, such as events and promotions, by text or email.
② Personal Information Items Collected and Used
1) Email address, Mobile phone number
③ Retention and Use Period of Personal Information
The User can withdraw consent at any time at the ALC Secretariat (+82-2-724-6201~2,6224~6227), and information will be immediately destroyed. The User has the right to refuse the above consent, and any refusal may limit the service benefits for the purpose.
attend in person
wishing to attend